
It appears something unexpected happened.

This could be caused by using an old and/or incompatible browser on your device. Please try upgrading the OS or browser on your device or try a different browser if you have one available. If that is not possible or does not help, please try using a different device.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, please contact the DI Scoring Team at [email protected].







Android: 2.1
Safari (iOS): 3.2
Internet Explorer Mobile: 8.0
Chrome (Android): 56.0
Firefox (Android): 51.0
Opera (Mobile): 12.0
Blackberry: 7.0


Chrome: 4.0
Internet Explorer: 8.0
Edge: 12.0
Firefox: 3.5
Safari: 4.0
Opera: 11.5

An unexpected error occurred.

The application encountered an unexpected error. The error was:


Contact [email protected] for assistance with this error.

Additional Data:

Tournament: None {{currentTournament.name}} ({{currentTournament.id}})
Team: None {{currentTeam.chalLevelSplitDesc}}: #{{currentTeam.di_no}}: {{currentTeam.org}} - {{currentTeam.team_name}}


App Data






This tournament is in Test Mode
Any scores entered now will be reset before appraising begins
App Data
Tourn Info






No teams found.

Possible causes for this include:

  1. You've entered filters above that didn't match any teams. To correct this, remove some of the filtered tags.
  2. You have not been assigned to appraise any teams in this tournament. Check with your head appraiser, tournament director, or score room challenge master.
  3. If you're ruled out all of other possibilities, check with your score room challenge master for more information.
This tournament is in Test Mode
Any scores entered now will be reset before appraising begins
Team Info

{{currentTeam.chalLevelSplitDesc}}: {{currentTeam.org}} - {{currentTeam.team_name}}

{{currentTeam.chalLevelSplitDesc}}: {{currentTeam.org}} - {{currentTeam.team_name}}

#{{currentTeam.di_no}} {{currentTeam.timeDesc}}

Team Notes

Error: {{scoreItem2.isItemError(currentTeam).message}}
{{$index + 1}}
{{scoreItem.getKindDesc()}} {{rItem.getScaledScore()}}
From TDF: {{currentTeam.tdf.getScoreSheetSummary(scoreItem.short)}}
Combine Item
Clear score
Range: {{currentTeam.getRangeDesc(scoreItem)}}
Clear score
Clear score
Note: All appraisers must agree on this score.
Note: When giving a zero score to a subjective item, all appraisers must also assign a zero score.
Error: Value cannot have {{scoreItem.frac_digits == 0 ? "any" : "more than " + scoreItem.frac_digits}} decimal places.
Error: Value must be between {{(scoreItem.input_constraint.hasOwnProperty('min') ? scoreItem.input_constraint.min : 0)}} and {{currentTeam.getConstraintMax(scoreItem.input_constraint)}}.
Warning: A value of {{scoreItem.score}} is unusual. The value for this item is generally between {{(constraint.hasOwnProperty('min') ? constraint.min : 0)}} and {{currentTeam.getConstraintMax(constraint)}}.
Error: {{scoreItem.isItemError(currentTeam).message}}
{{(scoreItem.getDeduction().deductionKind == "comment" ? "Comment (" + scoreItem.getDeduction().appr_nickname + "): " : "Deduction (" + scoreItem.getDeduction().appr_nickname + "): " + scoreItem.getDeduction().deductionValue + (scoreItem.getDeduction().deductionType == "percent" ? "%" : " pts") + " - " + scoreItem.getDeduction().getDeductionKindDesc() + ": " )}} {{scoreItem.getDeduction().deductionReason}}

Please leave feedback for the team below.

Prep ChecklistPrep

Prep Checklist


Tournament Data Form

Expense ReportExpenses

Expense Report

Team ClarificationsTm Clar.

Team Clarifications


No videos found.

IC Question {{$index + 1}}:
{{currentTeam.getMessages().count()}} No Messages Msgs
No messages found for this team.
Latest messages appear first
From {{msg.job}} ({{msg.firstname}} {{msg.lastname}}): {{msg.modified}}